Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Papers and Promises

-sent 7:40 pm China time/6:40 am CST

On this second day, we had to return to the adoption building where we received Breanne yesterday. Today was about signing papers and promising that we would never abuse, or abandon her. Another promise made required our that she will be given a good education. Returning to the adoption building really shut our little girl down, which is common. It is heartbreaking to see the fear and confusion in the little one's eyes, as they are scared that they are being returned. Our guide kept assuring her for us, but it did not seem to make a difference. When we left the building she perked up and happily waved good-bye. In fact, every store or Chinese establishment we go into, she shuts down and even cries if you try to show her a toy in a store. I think she is so scared she is going to be left. The second we head for the door, she is the happiest child in the world, blowing kisses to everyone in the store and happily declaring her good-byes.

This evening we took her to the hotel doctor because she has a bad chest cold and she has a strong infection smell from her mouth. You will notice a serious look on my face in one of our gotcha day pictures. This look was soon after I had received her and realized, our baby girl is very sick. It was a look of concern for her health. Mommy instincts kicked in immediately. I was a little sad for her because she was handed over to us very sick, with a huge goose egg on her forehead, and huge bug bites all over her. That baby needed her mommy and daddy and praise the Father she has a family who will now take her well being very serious. I can tell her foster mother cared for her and taught her well, but she had to be returned to the orphanage before the adoption, and it is there that I feel she was just another little one in a sea of needy faces. NO MORE!!! Despite her ailments, she is a happy little sweetie pie. I prayed that she would be able to receive love and give love to Mike and I, and I am so happy to report she is completely comfortable with both of us. That is a major blessing. She sleeps well and goes to the potty very well. She is strong-willed which is fine, because I have had to read Dobson's book (The Strong Willed Child) on more than one occasion, so we are ready for the challenge ( I think).

Enjoy the pictures that show Mike taking care of the bed time brushing last night, teeth and hair all in one sitting, that's my man!! Also there is a picture of Mike giving his baby girl her medicine, which she took like a trooper.


  1. Praying for Breanne--hoping she feels better soon. That breaks my heart thinking about her going back to the orphanage. Glad she is adjusting well. She is a such a cutie! I'm so glad you guys found a way to post.

  2. She makes my heart melt. :-) Hope she feels better soon!

  3. She is so beautiful!!!! So happy to see the pix of her in your arms!!!! Wishing you all the best and enjoy the rest of your magical trip to China!!!!

  4. Jason and I are so excited for you and we can't wait to meet this precious little one. We are praying for her and the rest of your family!


Day Seven...I Saw What I Saw

Day Five...When The Saints

Day Four...Bring Me Hope

Day Three...The Circle Game

Day Three...Third Day on the third day... Merry Christmas

Day Two...All I Really Want

One day till we're outa here!!! Boogie Shoes...TURN IT UP!!