Sunday, August 16, 2009


I have almost let this wonderful Sunday slip by without posting the fifth day of my countdown. Although I hadn't made it to the computer, the thought of it is constantly on my mind. I am getting so excited as it is starting to feel more and more real. With the reality of our soon departure, I have noticed my heart bond getting stronger and stronger toward Breanne. Up until now it has just been so much red tape, that the mother instincts have taken a back seat, but not anymore. My heart is beginning to ache to hold my little girl as I am preparing for her future life and homecoming. Reality really sets in when you are needing to purchase things for a REAL person, no longer a little girl in a picture, but one who will be in your arms in a week's time. Some things that have endeared me even more to her are simple things like purchasing her toothbrush and toothpaste, her pj's, her little Dora the Explorer underwear, her bedding, her hair clips, her tea set, her coloring set, sippy cups, medicine, clothes and little shoes.......needless to say she is truly becoming a reality. Mike and I are so thrilled to become her parents, and it is heart warming to see the excitement in our children. I don't know how to explain it, but I just know that love grows with each additional family member. In God's economy I have witnessed the multiplying of love with each and every addition, not the opposite scenario of love divided as the world may have us to believe. For sure, God's ways are not our ways, He is a multiplier. Since we are on the FIFTH day and the subject of multiplying, I am reminded of the Biblical account of Christ taking the little lad's lunch of Five fish and two loaves, and multiplying them to feed the multitude.... I think that is a lesson for us all, He takes our little and will make much of it..
My song/video choice for today shows a glimpse into the lives of many families who multiplied their love by opening their hearts to adoption....Am I possibly speaking to any of my readers????/
Many Blessings....

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Day Seven...I Saw What I Saw

Day Five...When The Saints

Day Four...Bring Me Hope

Day Three...The Circle Game

Day Three...Third Day on the third day... Merry Christmas

Day Two...All I Really Want

One day till we're outa here!!! Boogie Shoes...TURN IT UP!!