Monday, August 17, 2009

FOUR......(Bring Me Hope)..................44444444444

Four,are we really on day four and I still haven't packed??? Maybe I will start tonight, we'll see. My video for today is all that really needs to be said, it sums up much of Chinese adoptions as it is realistic and touching. The man at the end of the video is from a very large (homeschooling -just had to throw that in) family that has started this ministry "BRING ME HOPE".. I have followed their journeys for years and would encourage anyone ,who feels led, to research their work and support them.

1 comment:

Day Seven...I Saw What I Saw

Day Five...When The Saints

Day Four...Bring Me Hope

Day Three...The Circle Game

Day Three...Third Day on the third day... Merry Christmas

Day Two...All I Really Want

One day till we're outa here!!! Boogie Shoes...TURN IT UP!!