Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Call

We received a phone call this Friday, March 27th, 2009, that honestly I thought would never come. This phone call was from our adoption agency in New York ( Homeland Adoption Services) informing us that they had a referral for us. To make a long story short, this has been one roller coaster ride of an adoption, and it has been going on for almost two years. We have adopted from China once before, so we knew it could get a little unpredictable, but we truly were not prepared for the twists and turns this adoption would take. Along the way have been changes in China's adoption program that have taken all involved in international adoption by surprise. Those changes led us to make a move from a previous agency to one we thought would better suit our circumstance. That in itself was a hard decision, because we loved the agency we had used before. Once we got settled in the second agency, they experienced major change. Although it was no fault of their own, it just happened, so our future our adoption was looking less like a reality. Not to mention in the middle of all the above, we were presented with a domestic adoption opportunity that seemed to be straight from God to us. Our hearts were open to receive this little blessing, and as it turns out it was not in the Father's plan. It was very painful to say the least. Due to that, I just needed time to heal, so we officially postponed the China adoption until we could get direction. We were so confused and wore out. Yet there was one little fact that remained, we had all this paper work done and basically ready to send to China and thus give a home to someone who needed one. We decided after a few months of prayer and healing, to allow the Lord to work to bring one more orphan home through us if it was in fact His will to do that. I knew He could not do it if I wouldn't send the paper work off, so I did. Honestly we sent that paper work off, saying "Lord if it be your will." The truth is we have four precious children and enough to keep us plenty busy, so obviously that is not what this adoption is about. It is about allowing ourselves to be stretched just a little bit more, so that we can bless another's life, and as we know, receive a bigger blessing in the long run. You just can't out give God. So we are at the point of waiting, and waiting and then some more waiting. Meantime many rumors are flying around that are so discouraging concerning the state of international adoptions, including the special needs program, which is what we are apart of. The time is quickly approaching to renew some of our required paper work, and Mike and I had basically put a fleece out before the Lord (not our usual custom- but felt this involved a life and we needed divine intervention) that if our referral had not come by April 24th we would not renew the paper work. We believed it would mean God was telling us it was time to get off this ride and rest. I had convinced myself (most likely out of protection) that there was no way we would get the referral before the time limit was over. I was no longer allowing myself to check our adoption yahoo group or even talk about adoption. I had seriously taken an adoption fast. Just gave it to God ...daily, sometimes hourly, and said "Lord, I will not pick this back up." I wanted it to be God and God alone to move the mountain or use us in His Kingdom work in another way. So when the call comes out of the blue, and with a month to spare, I was shocked but thrilled. Mike and I feel God has answered us, we have received an answer to our prayers, so we are ready to bring sweet little Breanne home. That is our background, in a nut shell. I will tell you more about her when we are allowed, but I can tell you that she is 2 1/2 years old, she looks just like Brooklyn did at that age. Her special need is cleft lip/palate. Her lip has been repaired and it is possible she was misdiagnosed on the palate. Her records contradict each other. She will need some minor reconstructive surgery when she gets home at sometime, but it is my hope that she will be seen for the absolutely beautiful child that she is, and not her special need. I know this will be an amazing journey, and I thank you for being a part of it. More to come soon...... I am honored to be the chosen mother of Breanne Virginia-Li Jones. Thank you Father!!!


  1. Tammy,
    I am so excited for you and your family! It is great to see God at work bringing one more home! I look forward to hearing more about little Breanne.
    God Speed!

  2. Praise God for these beautiful children!

  3. Hi Tammy! And, again, congrats. Thanks for posting your blog address on Xingfu - I am now following your journey to Breanne.


Day Seven...I Saw What I Saw

Day Five...When The Saints

Day Four...Bring Me Hope

Day Three...The Circle Game

Day Three...Third Day on the third day... Merry Christmas

Day Two...All I Really Want

One day till we're outa here!!! Boogie Shoes...TURN IT UP!!